Getting Fit…What It Takes?
If you’ve decided to get a little more fit, congratulations—it’s an important health decision that most us of should be making. To be sure, it won’t happen by accident, but with a little friendly support and a well-crafted plan, you can get off to a fast and meaningful start.
We’re supposed to be getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 5 times a week. And, while on average we try to get to the gym 4 times a week, most of us have missed the last 1,200 times. Here’s the motivation to shape up.
You’ll look better. Getting in shape includes losing unsightly body fat and improving that strongly desired muscle tone.
You’ll feel better. Physical activity reduces stress and anxiety, helping you to relax. What’s more, the increased muscle mass and cardiovascular capacity will help you feel stronger and more energized.
You’ll sleep better. Getting in some physical activity can dramatically improve the quality of your sleep.
You’ll work better. Being in shape has the added benefit of better concentration, focus and follow through.
You’ll live better. With less stress and reduced risk for serious health problems, you’ll suffer from far less illness and disease.
There is no magic solution—getting fit does take time, work, and commitment. But, it’s been shown time and time again that the people who actually succeed start with a well-crafted game plan.
Next to your game plan you need good quality nutrition!
Why is nutrition important? Well, nutrition is important if you want a fit and healthy body that does what you want it to do. In fact, if you want physical energy and vitality, nutrition is essential because the right nutrition gives your body the material it requires to produce a healthy, energetic body.
The definition of nutrition is the action of eating and drinking things that nourish the body that make it possible for the body to grow, repair itself and create energy.
Forever Aloe Vera Natural Health, rich nutrition value products can help you to SHAPE UP & STAY FIT!
The recommended products are:
The structure of the plant is very similar to the human body system.
Imagine slicing open an Aloe leaf and consuming the gel directly from the plant. FLP's Aloe Vera Gel is as close to the real thing as you can get.
The miraculous aloe leaf has been found to contain more than 200 compounds. A product of our patented aloe stabilization process, FLP gel is favored by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level.
The first to receive certification by the International Aloe Science Council, this rich cocktail of pulp and liquid authenticates this product just as nature intended. Taken daily, either alone or mixed with pure fruit juice, it is one of the best health drinks available!
Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® contains 100% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamins and minerals and is available in delicious new Vanilla and Chocolate flavors.
Is a perfect addition to your healthy lifestyle.
One of the best parts about soy protein, though, is that significant clinical research studies have found that 25g of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Two shakes made with Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® provide you with 34 grams of protein from soy. That’s a win-win situation!
Soy protein support exercise performance, and because it is such a high quality protein, it satisfies the greater need athletes have for protein during muscle-building.
The other difference about Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® is...Aminotein, which is a unique blend of enzymes specifically designed to break down protein and to ensure proper digestion and optimal absorption of amino acids.

Forever Garcinia Plus® is a revolutionary dietary supplement, containing ingredients that may aid in weight loss. The primary ingredient is a natural substance derived from the fruit of a Southern Asian tree, the Garcinia Cambogia, also known as the Malabar Tamarind. The rind of this fruit is dried and used to produce a substance that is very similar to the citric acid found in oranges and other citrus fruits.
Specialists in plant compounds became aware of the remarkable qualities of this substance in the late 1960s, when they learned that it can temporarily inhibit the body’s production of fats from carbohydrates. During the normal metabolism of a meal, carbohydrate calories that are not used immediately for energy or stored as glycogen are converted into fats in the liver. Garcinia works by inhibiting the enzyme (citrate liase) which converts these calories into fat. As a result, the body will burn existing fat stores, thus aiding in weight loss.
When enough glycogen has been created and stored in the liver, a message is sent to the brain indicating sufficient food has been taken. This action is called a satiety reflex, and quells the appetite, reducing the desire for more food.
A great-tasting, low-calorie alternative to skipping meals, each Forever Fast Break Energy Bar provides many of the vitamins & minerals your body needs everyday. Phosphorus enhances energy levels by speeding up the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, thus helping the body recover from over-exertion. Potassium is not only essential for proper cardiovascular system, nervous system and muscle function, it also helps to ease mental and physical stress. A great meal replacement for today’s “on the go” lifestyle, Forever Fast Break Energy Bars are an ideal way for active individuals to keep up in a fast-paced world!
- Provides many of the vitamins and minerals your body needs everyday
- Great as a snack or meal replacement
- Only 230 calories per bar
FAB Forever Active Boost energy drink gives you that extra boost you need to stay active
FAB’s “boost” is different from other energy drinks because it gives you both immediate and long-term energy. The immediate boost comes from guarana, a natural ingredient that is very popular in Brazil, while the long-term energy is powered by ADX7 technology: a proprietary blend of adaptogenic herbs and other nutritionals developed by a leading Russian sports scientist and researcher. ADX7 has helped Russian track and field athletes win over 130 medals in Olympic competition!
FAB is a quick, refreshing way to stay energized and alert all day long. And it revitalizes you so you have the endurance and concentration to do all the things you have to do, plus the things you want to do.
FAB without artificial colors, artificial flavors, and not containing coffein.
Containing Aloe Vera, Guarana and Vitamins
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